In The LOL with Dr. Sim Taylor

How Does God speak to Us_Part 1: The Life of Moses

Dr. Simpfronia Taylor Season 2024 Episode 1


How does the word of the Lord come to us? In the Bible, it happened in many different ways: by a personal appearance of God, by an audible voice, by visions or dreams, by the ministry of angels, by the working of the Spirit of God upon the mind, by the making alive of a passage of Scripture to our hearts, or by the ministry of a prophet or preacher.  Here is a brief lesson on How God speaks to us..

1.     Personal Appearance - Exodus3, 4 & 33:18-23. 

2.     Audible Voice-God in the first chapters of Genesis speaks with man in the same form as one person would speak to another.

 3.     Passage of Scripture coming alive to our hearts: Acts 8: the Ethiopian Eunuch

4.     Working of the Spirit upon the mind:  Job 33:19. Some may describe this as the conscience working by the Holy Spirit.

5.     Dreams Matthew Chapter 2, God gives the three wise men, and Joseph, dreams that warn them to change their plans.

6.     Vision: Gen 15:1 After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision.

7.     Ministering Angels Jdg 6:11 And there came an angel of the LORD, and sat under an oak which [was] in Ophrah, that [pertained] unto Joash the Abiezrite: and his son Gideon threshed wheat by the winepress, to hide [it] from the Midianites. 

Part 1 Examines how God spoke to Moses in Appearance and in an Audible voice. Exodus 3-4.