In The LOL with Dr. Sim Taylor

Parenting is a Ministry-Part 2 of 2

Simpfronia Taylor Season 1 Episode 2

The two-part series “Parenting Is A Ministry” exploring how to view your parenting as a Ministry to God.  In part, one we examined the life of Abraham to obtain guidance, and an example, on how to minister to our family and our children.  In Part, 2 we ask several questions "Do you set goals for your family?" We can only learn how to set the right goals when we listen to God.  Therefore, we must spend time with Him.  Our children follow what they they see or hear your actions or your language and copy it?  If we want children to spend time listening to God then they should see you, and hear you, listening to God!

  • Can God trust you with what He has given you...His children?
  • When God looks at, you does he see himself?
  • We are not perfect; but let's follow the example Paul spoke of and "press toward the mark!"
  • Learn to take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it around for your good!
  • Remember to Love your children...sometimes you forget.