In The LOL with Dr. Sim Taylor

How To Overcome Evil with Good

Dr. Simpfronia Taylor Season 2 Episode 3

Scripture; Matthew 5 (esp 38-48); Romans 12 (esp v 21); James 4:7, book of Job

Today we discuss how to overcome the human nature to treat  others as they treat us.  As I spent time in meditation with God he explained how to live out scriptures that instruct us to turn the other cheek....andHe did so using the game of Football!

You will hear some difficult terms at first in this lesson, but stick with me. “Dialectics” is a term used to describe a method of philosophical argument that involves some sort of contradictory process between opposing sides. 

If you are interested in Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and his Philosophy go to YouTube:

 Introduction to Hegel: Philosophy in the Sopranos (start at 3:00 minutes)


Hegelian Dialectic (start at 3:17)